Mentorship Training
SATURDAY, JUNE 26 FROM 10:00 - 3:00
It only takes one person to invest in the heart of
a child who has faced trauma to make a life
changing (and hopefully an eternal life
changing) difference. Is God laying it on your
heart to do this? A child is waiting.
Come and receive the tools to make a difference.
We ask that all our mentors have a passion for
children, love god’s word and are willing to
learn to use it in teachable moments. We will
learn a few basic skills with the horses or bring
your ideas if god has blessed you with specific
skills that could be used to impact a child’s life.
Lunch will be provided.
Please register by Text to Sheli at Glory Reins (740-739-7492) no
later than June 21st for this exciting day of how God can make a
difference through you. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have
further questions or see here for a little more detail on what a Mentor does.